Saturday, January 23, 2010

Beauty and the Beast (1946)

I am unfamiliar with the work of Jean Cocteau, and Beauty and the Beast was not the place to start.  Or maybe it was.  Regardless, after reflecting on the film, as well as the review I posted this morning, I realize I am presently unequipped to fairly judge the work--which is odd, since I rarely lack judgement on anything.  At the core, I feel I may have passed over a few salient points that would have quelled some of the more vociferous objections I had to the film on first viewing.

In short, I want to see Beauty and the Beast again, with a fresh perspective, so that a future review can be, perhaps, more objective given certain clues I realize I missed the first time around.  I know this is the cheap, easy way out; however, I would rather make sure I've selected a fair target before I pull out the gun and start firing.

Until later...

1946; starring Jean Marais, Josette Day; directed by Jean Cocteau; 93 min; Not Rated; in French w/ English subtitles; available on Criterion.